Understanding Herbal Supplements: Nature’s Remedies for Holistic Wellness

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The first step toward understanding herbal supplements is to set aside any notion that they’re intended to replace modern medical interventions. That would be getting it backward. In fact, herbal supplements build holistic wellness with the remedies nature has set aside for human health.

The power of herbal supplements is their role in resetting our bodies to their intended state of homeostasis – perfect and enduring balance. Let’s look at a couple of specific herbal supplements and see what they contribute to balance in human somatic systems.

A Health Support Used By the Ancients

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For thousands of years, people have turned to a tiny black seed for health assistance. This seed, originating from the Nigella sativa plant is now growing in popularity with people discovering it today.

Black cumin seed oil capsules are widely known for some impressive properties, including:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-cancer
  • Antioxidant
  • Antimicrobial
  • Antidiabetic
  • Neuroprotective
  • Hepatoprotective
  • Gastroprotective

Primarily rooted in the performance of its predominant active ingredient thymoquinone, black cumin seed oil in capsule form is an important herbal supplement for anyone serious about resetting the systems of their body. This is being borne out as science begins to validate the claims of black seed oil with research efforts. While much more work needs to be done, studies like the one cited are pointing the way to novel uses of thymoquinone in pharmacological preparations. Its efficacy as a chemotherapy drug analog is currently being explored with promising preliminary results.

This information about black seeds and their powerful thymoquinone content points out an important truth: ancient remedies bring with them the hope of improving on and even revolutionizing existing pharmaceutical therapies.

Herbal supplements don’t offer “miracle cures”. They offer better health and improved therapies when we need them.

Giving Your Body What It Needs

Photo by Vicky Nguyen on Unsplash

Many people tend to believe they get enough vitamins and minerals from the food they eat. While that should be and is the case for some, it’s certainly not true for everyone. That’s where vitamin supplements come into play, providing important nutritional support for diets that may be lacking.

Modernism presents a strange food landscape. On the one hand, there is food everywhere you look. On the other hand, the quality of all that abundant food is highly dubious. But we’re busy, so we reach for less-than-nutritionally sound choices as we careen through our overheated lives, fueling but not really feeding ourselves. We’re sated, not fed.

While there’s no question that we need to eat well to maintain good physical health, when that’s not possible, the next best thing is supplementing our calorie-rich, nutrition-deficient diets with what our bodies need. Especially if you’re active now or trying to make an important lifestyle change, supplements can help you get there.

Vitamin and mineral supplements can also support a healthier old age and stronger nutrition for growing children. Giving our bodies what they need can raise personal awareness, leading us toward better dietary habits, healthier lives, and a substantial reduction in public health concerns.

You Are What You Drink!

Photo by Lisa Hobbs on Unsplash

The power of tea is an ancient secret that’s not a secret anymore. Tea in all its permutations has become a popular drink for numerous reasons. While some enjoy tea for the pleasant boost it delivers, others find themselves gravitating toward calming organic teas.

Our mental wellness and readiness to take on life are supported by rituals that may seem unimportant in the grand scheme of things. But every small act of self-care is a moment of victory. With calming teas, we give ourselves the gift of time in a moment made just for us. Such a moment brings balance to the mind and a calm that allows us to thrive in our lives.

Everyone knows how delightfully calming a quiet cup of chamomile tea can be. And just like thymoquinone – the active ingredient in black seed oil – chamomile’s properties bring renewed hope to modern human health, according to science.

Probably the most important thing to understand about herbal supplements is that they’re part of a personal wellness arsenal that supports your overall health. Combined with physical fitness and nutritious eating, these little helpers aren’t so much a silver bullet as part of a smart lifestyle.

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