8 Common Skin Care Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

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Have you considered washing your face differently? Do you ever wonder if there’s a better way to take care of your skin? If you haven’t considered it yet, you could be making some big skin care mistakes that can cause issues for your face. Let’s explore some of the top beauty and skin care tips to ensure you’re taking the best care of your skin at all times.

Using Face Wipes Too Often

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Photo by Sora Shimazaki on Pexels

There’s a theory that any extra pulling and tugging on your skin could contribute to losing elasticity and collagen faster. If you’re using face wipes every time you remove your makeup, you’re aggravating some of the most sensitive areas on your body — like the skin around your eyes.

While using wipes is better than not washing your face at all, wipes are often a harsher shortcut than choosing to use a cleanser. Wipes for your face every day are like using hand sanitizer instead of washing your hands with moisturizing soap. It gets your hands clean, but the cost is often dried out, sensitive skin. Avoid this skin care mistake when you buy a cleanser, toner, and moisturizer as part of your skin care routine.

Wrong Water Temperature

You might be thinking that hot water is the best way to wash your face. Hot water actually irritates and dries skin, and it can even rupture blood vessels. However, the solution to this common skin care mistake isn’t cold water. It’s using lukewarm water to wash your face. Make the switch and discover the difference it can make for you.

Skipping Personalized Skin Care

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Photo by Polina Tankilevitch on Unsplash

One of the biggest skin care mistakes you could be making is not using personalized skin care products. No matter how high-end and expensive your products may be, using cleansers and moisturizers that aren’t formulated for your skin type won’t help you at all. To see real results, find products made for oily, dry, or combination skin. Even better, you might want to make purchases based on specific problems. You can find hyperpigmentation skincare products and a range of other products designed to help with aging, acne, dark spots, and more.

Working Out With Makeup

You might think that rushing to arrive at Zumba class on time makes it all right to skip out on taking off your makeup before a workout session, but we strongly disagree. Besides the risk of makeup running into your eyes and wiping off your coverup on a towel, you could be trapping sweat and grime that will cause an epic break out. It’s just not worth making this skin care mistake!

Rinse right before class and carry wipes as a last resort to get that makeup off before any exercise session.

Washing Your Face Too Fast

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Photo by Miriam Alonso on Unsplash

Don’t let your self care skin routine become a chore that you rush through every morning or night. You want to take this time to really love yourself and make time for your own needs. Gently massage your cleanser into your face and really clean up to ensure there’s no residue left behind. If you speed through your skin care routine, you could be leaving dirt and grime behind as well as missing essential spots with your toner, moisturizer, or sunscreen.

Using Too Much Exfoliation

Over or under-exfoliating is a very easy skin care mistake to make. While you have guidelines printed on the bottle, everybody’s skin is different. If you notice any dryness, irritation, or inflammation, you should be reducing your use of exfoliation right away.

Under-exfoliating leaves tons of dead skin cells blocking healthy cells, ensuring they won’t ever enjoy the benefits of serums and moisturizers that can’t even reach them! Even worse, you’ll notice more acne than ever because your pores become increasingly clogged.

Our beauty and skin care tip is to look for exfoliators that use ultra-fine, perfectly round particles as well as products with citrus extracts and green tea to rejuvenate collagen production.

Not Checking Ingredients

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Photo by Monstera Production on Pexels

Don’t get distracted by pretty packaging and bright colors. Oftentimes, these hide low quality ingredients and parabens. Some of the most important chemicals to avoid include preservatives like methylparabens, propylparabens, and butylparabens, as they have been linked to breast cancer. Research also shows that they act as hormone disruptors that can result in tumors, birth defects, and developmental disorders. Always check the ingredients on your products to ensure that everything that’s listed is actually beneficial.

You can still find effective products without damaging chemicals. In fact, there is a growing movement in the skincare industry to tap into more natural ingredients to care for the skin. Ozone skin products are one such example that tap into a natural resource to naturally clean your skin.

Skipping the Sunscreen

Studies show that the number one reason people experience premature aging is due to sun exposure. You might think that just driving around in your car or sitting in your office doesn’t merit sunscreen, but you need to avoid incidental exposure to preserve your youthful looks. Whether it’s raining, snowing, or the sun is shining, you always want to put on sunscreen!

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